Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lee Min Ho in his chic hunter-look charm in City Hunter

Seoul, Korea – Actor Lee Min Ho preshowed his charm through his chic, city-hunter-look fashion.

Lee Min Ho has been cast in SBS TV ‘City Hunter” as Lee Yun Sung – a young doctorate from MIT working in the “State-Directed Communications Network” team.

Lee Min Ho, really starting his shooting in Korea after the shot in Thailand, caught people’s eyes from the beginning with his hunter-look fashion that shows his masculine beauty in a dandy style.

He came to the studio in comfortable yet stylish outfits, with a long black jacket with a turned-up collars and gray pants. His bling-perm completed by khaki-brown hair color also added to his attractiveness.

This is a 180-degree change from his shot in Thailand where he showed off his natural style with wavy hair. He exhibited his more mature and masculine beauty through his hunter-look fashion and glaring eyes.

“Lee Yun Sung a character who is affectionate and optimistic yet always struggles in loneliness and solitude to serve the justice. I am much counting on Lee Min Ho who is full of drive himself,” told the production company of ‘City Hunter’

On the other hand, ‘City Hunter,’ a soap opera based on a popular Japanese comic book under the same title, will depict the original story of delightful solving of the cases as well as the added story of how the protagonist grew to become the city hunter. ‘City Hunter’ will be first aired on May 25, starring Lee Min Ho, Park Min Young, Lee Jun Hyuk and Goo Hara.

By Seo Eun Hye (

Source: TVReport (Original article in Korean)
Photo from TVReport DB
Translated by Yesul Kwak / en.korea
posted by: ilwoo_aein@soompi

Initial Revealing of The Kiss Scene Between Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young in 'City Hunter'

이민호와 박민영의 키스신 현장이 공개됐다.
The filming set for Lee Minho and Park Minyoung's kiss scene has been revealed.

4월 28일 방송된 SBS ‘한밤의 TV연예’에서는 이민호와 박민영 주연 드라마 ‘시티헌터’ 촬영장을 최초 공개했다.
The filming site for Lee Minho and Park Minyoung's drama 'City Hunter' was first revealed through SBS's Entertainment TV on April 28.

최근 강남 한 클럽에서 ‘시티헌터’ 주인공 이민호와 박민영의 키스신이 있었다. 첫 키스신이어서 그런지 두 사람은 계속 NG를 냈다. 알고보니 회전판 위에 올라가 키스를 해야했기 때문에 어지러웠던 것.
A kiss scene between the leads took place at a club in Kangnam. Since it is their first kiss scene, they kept getting NGs. The reason is because they had to stand on a rotating panel while kissing and it might have caused dizziness.

어지러움을 참아내자 다음엔 이민호가 맞는 신이 있었다. 이민호는 촬영 전 “따귀를 맞아야 돼서 두렵다. 다른 여자를 떼어내기 위해 박민영을 이용하는 장면이다”고 설명했다.
Right after enduring the dizziness, LMH had a scene where he would get hit. Before filming the scene, LMH said "I'm gonna get slapped on the cheek, so i'm afraid." He explained that he had to use Park Minyoung to get rid of another girl.

그러나 이민호는 여자에게 뺨을 맞은 뒤 곧바로 박민영에게 엎어치기 당하는 장면까지 소화해야 했다. 이 신을 앞두고 두 사람은 여러번 연습했지만 실전에서는 잘못 엎어지기도 했다.
However, right after LMH was slapped on the cheek by the girl, he had to be knocked over by PMY. Although both of them rehearsed the scene several times, it didn't turn out right when they filmed.

이민호는 “오늘 만신창이다. 스펙타클한 촬영이다”며 어려워하면서도 웃으며 말했다.
Lee Minho expressed, "i'm a total wreck today. Filming was dramatic." Although it was tough, he said it with a smile.

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Night of TV Entertainment - Lee Min Ho & Park Min Young 'City Hunter' Interview